import os, platform, subprocess, sys, re def check_msvc_env(): try: cl_out ='cl', capture_output=True).stderr.decode() except: print('Run script from Visual Studio Command Prompt!') sys.exit(123) m ='Microsoft \(R\) C\/C\+\+ Optimizing Compiler Version ([\w.]+) for (\w+)', cl_out) res = (, print("CL compiler: version [%s], arch [%s]" % res) return res def build_arch(compiler, arch, *, libcxx = None, runtime = None, buildtype = 'Release', options = {}): cmd = 'conan install . -s compiler="%s" -s arch="%s"' % (compiler, arch) if libcxx is not None: cmd += ' -s compiler.libcxx="%s"' % libcxx if runtime is not None: cmd += ' -s compiler.runtime=%s' % runtime if buildtype is not None: cmd += ' -s build_type=%s' % buildtype for k,v in options.items(): cmd += ' -o %s=%s' % (str(k), str(v)) cmd += ' --build outdated' print("CMD: %s" % cmd) yesno = input('continue? (yes/no):') if yesno != 'yes': sys.exit(111) os.system(cmd) assert platform.machine().endswith('64'), "Use 64-bit OS for builds" sysname = platform.system().lower() if 'windows' in sysname: is64bit = (check_msvc_env()[1] == 'x64') arch = ('x86_64' if is64bit else 'x86') build_arch('Visual Studio', arch, runtime='MT') #, buildtype='RelWithDebInfo') # build release with debug CRT (optimized non-debuggable but compatible with debug builds) build_arch('Visual Studio', arch, runtime='MTd', options={'with_headeronly':False,'with_releaseonly':False}) else: build_arch('gcc', 'x86_64', libcxx='libstdc++') build_arch('gcc', 'x86', libcxx='libstdc++')