#version 140 #pragma tdm_define "BLOOM_BRIGHTPASS" /** * This is the downsampling portion of the "dual filtering" blur as suggested in the Siggraph 2015 talk * "Bandwidth-efficient Rendering" by Marius Bjorge. */ uniform sampler2D u_sourceTexture; in vec2 var_TexCoord; out vec4 FragColor; #ifdef BLOOM_BRIGHTPASS const vec3 toGrayscale = vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722); uniform float u_brightnessThreshold; uniform float u_thresholdFalloff; float brightpass(vec3 color) { float brightness = dot(color.rgb, toGrayscale); return clamp(pow(brightness / u_brightnessThreshold, u_thresholdFalloff), 0, 1); } #endif vec4 sampleTexture(vec2 offset) { return texture(u_sourceTexture, var_TexCoord + offset); } void main() { // query previous mipmap level by a full-pixel offset (corresponds to half-pixel in our output framebuffer) vec2 offset = vec2(1, 1) / textureSize(u_sourceTexture, 0); vec4 sum = sampleTexture(vec2(0, 0)) * 4; sum += sampleTexture(-offset); sum += sampleTexture(offset); sum += sampleTexture(vec2(offset.x, -offset.y)); sum += sampleTexture(vec2(-offset.x, offset.y)); FragColor = sum / 8; #ifdef BLOOM_BRIGHTPASS FragColor.rgb *= brightpass(FragColor.rgb); #endif }