#version 140 // per-pixel cubic parallax-corrected reflection map calculation in vec2 var_uvNormal; in vec3 var_globalEye; in mat3 var_tbn; in vec3 var_worldPos; in vec3 var_cubeMapCapturePos; in vec3 var_proxyAABBMin; in vec3 var_proxyAABBMax; in float var_normalWeight; out vec4 draw_Color; // texture 0 is the environment cube map // texture 1 is the normal map uniform samplerCube u_texture0; uniform sampler2D u_texture1; vec3 parallaxCorrect(vec3 reflected) { vec3 nDir = normalize(reflected); vec3 firstPlaneIntersect = (var_proxyAABBMin - var_worldPos) / nDir; vec3 secondPlaneIntersect = (var_proxyAABBMax - var_worldPos) / nDir; vec3 furthestPlane = max(firstPlaneIntersect, secondPlaneIntersect); float dist = min(min(furthestPlane.x, furthestPlane.y), furthestPlane.z); vec3 intersectPos = var_worldPos + nDir * dist; return normalize(intersectPos - var_cubeMapCapturePos); } void main() { vec2 rimStrength = vec2(3.0, 0.4); vec3 globalNormal = var_tbn[2]; if (var_normalWeight > 0) { // load the filtered normal map, then normalize to full scale vec3 localNormal; localNormal.xy = 2 * texture(u_texture1, var_uvNormal).xy - 1; localNormal.z = sqrt(max(0, 1 - localNormal.x*localNormal.x - localNormal.y*localNormal.y)); localNormal = normalize(localNormal); // transform the surface normal by the local tangent space globalNormal = var_tbn * localNormal; // interpolate between vertex and mapped normal by weight factor globalNormal = normalize(mix(var_tbn[2], globalNormal, var_normalWeight)); } // normalize vector to eye vec3 globalEye = normalize(var_globalEye); // calculate reflection vector float reflectCoeff = dot(globalEye, globalNormal); vec3 reflected = reflectCoeff * globalNormal * 2 - globalEye; // Calculate fresnel reflectance. float fresnel = pow(1 - reflectCoeff, 3) * rimStrength.x + rimStrength.y; // parallax-correct the reflection vector vec3 parallaxCorrected = parallaxCorrect(reflected); // read the environment map with the parallax-corrected reflection vector vec4 color = texture(u_texture0, parallaxCorrected); color *= fresnel; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Tone Map to convert HDR values to range 0.0 - 1.0 //--------------------------------------------------------- draw_Color.xyz = color.xyz / (color.xyz + vec3(1.0)); }