from conans import ConanFile import os def get_platform_name(settings, shared=False): os = {'Windows': 'win', 'Linux': 'lnx'}[str(settings.os)] bitness = {'x86': '32', 'x86_64': '64'}[str(settings.arch)] dynamic = 'd' if shared else 's' compiler = {'Visual Studio': 'vc', 'gcc': 'gcc'}[str(settings.compiler)] # GCC 5-10 are binary compatible, MSVC 2015-2019 are compatible too # see also: ### if compiler in ['vc', 'gcc']: ### compiler += str(settings.compiler.version) buildtype = {'Release': 'rel', 'Debug': 'dbg', 'RelWithDebInfo': 'rwd'}[str(settings.build_type)] stdlib = '?' if compiler.startswith('vc'): stdlib = str(settings.compiler.runtime).lower() elif compiler.startswith('gcc'): stdlib = {'libstdc++': 'stdcpp'}[str(settings.compiler.libcxx)] return '%s%s_%s_%s_%s_%s' % (os, bitness, dynamic, compiler, buildtype, stdlib) class TdmDepends(ConanFile): settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" options = { "with_headeronly": [True, False], "with_releaseonly": [True, False], "with_perbuild": [True, False], "platform_name": "ANY", } default_options = { "with_headeronly": True, "with_releaseonly": True, "with_perbuild": True, "platform_name": None, # build minizip too (it is part of zlib package) "zlib:minizip": True, # enable SSE2 in hash library "BLAKE2:SSE": "SSE2", # avoid fragile selection of system packages in glfw "glfw:no_opengl": True, "glfw:no_xorg": True, } # these deps are header-only, hence they don't need per-configuration builds requires_headeronly = ( "tinyformat/2.1.0@thedarkmod/local", "doctest/2.2.3@thedarkmod/local", "tracy/0.7.8@thedarkmod/local", ) # these deps can be built only once in release mode, and then used both in release and debug builds # this is possible only for pure C libraries built with /MT, and needs /nodefaultlib:LIBCMT.lib flag in debug build requires_releaseonly = ( "zlib/1.2.11@#514b772abf9c36ad9be48b84cfc6fdc2", "libcurl/7.61.1@thedarkmod/local", "libjpeg/9c@thedarkmod/local", "libpng/1.6.34@bincrafters/stable", "ffmpeg/4.0.2@thedarkmod/local", "vorbis/1.3.6@bincrafters/stable", "fltk/1.3.5@thedarkmod/local", "BLAKE2/master@thedarkmod/local", "glfw/3.3.4@thedarkmod/local", ) # these deps must be built separately for each configuration (both debug and release) # this is required for C++ libs because iterator debugging and runtime differences are not allowed by MSVC requires_perbuild = ( "openal/1.21.1@thedarkmod/local", "pugixml/1.9@bincrafters/stable", ) def requirements(self): if self.options.with_headeronly: for dep in self.requires_headeronly: self.requires.add(dep) if self.options.with_releaseonly: for dep in self.requires_releaseonly: self.requires.add(dep) if self.options.with_perbuild: for dep in self.requires_perbuild: self.requires.add(dep) def imports(self): if self.options.platform_name == "None": self.options.platform_name = get_platform_name(self.settings, False) platform = self.options.platform_name for req in name = req[0].name print(os.path.abspath("artefacts/%s/lib/%s" % (name, platform))) # note: we assume recipes are sane, and the set of headers does not depend on compiler/arch self.copy("*.h" , root_package=name, src="include" , dst="artefacts/%s/include" % name) self.copy("*.H" , root_package=name, src="include" , dst="artefacts/%s/include" % name) # FLTK =( self.copy("*.hpp", root_package=name, src="include" , dst="artefacts/%s/include" % name) self.copy("*" , root_package=name, src="licenses", dst="artefacts/%s/licenses" % name) # source code files to be embedded into build (used by Tracy) self.copy("*.cpp", root_package=name, src="src" , dst="artefacts/%s/src" % name) self.copy("*.c" , root_package=name, src="src" , dst="artefacts/%s/src" % name) # compiled binaries are put under subdirectory named by build settings self.copy("*.lib", root_package=name, src="lib" , dst="artefacts/%s/lib/%s" % (name, platform)) self.copy("*.a" , root_package=name, src="lib" , dst="artefacts/%s/lib/%s" % (name, platform)) # while we don't use dynamic libraries, some packages provide useful executables (e.g. FLTK gives fluid.exe) self.copy("*.dll", root_package=name, src="bin" , dst="artefacts/%s/bin/%s" % (name, platform)) self.copy("*.so" , root_package=name, src="bin" , dst="artefacts/%s/bin/%s" % (name, platform)) self.copy("*.exe", root_package=name, src="bin" , dst="artefacts/%s/bin/%s" % (name, platform)) self.copy("*.bin", root_package=name, src="bin" , dst="artefacts/%s/bin/%s" % (name, platform))