# explanation of package types: # * header # these deps are header-only, hence they don't need per-configuration builds # * release # these deps can be built only once in release mode, and then used both in release and debug builds # this is possible only for pure C libraries built with /MT, and needs /nodefaultlib:LIBCMT.lib flag in debug build # * vcdebug # these deps must be built separately for each configuration on MSVC (both debug and release) # this is required for C++ libs because iterator debugging and runtime differences are not allowed by MSVC packages: - { ref: tinyformat/2.3.0@thedarkmod/local , type: header } - { ref: doctest/2.4.8 , type: header } - { ref: tracy/0.8.1@thedarkmod/local , type: header } - { ref: zlib/1.2.11 , type: release } - { ref: minizip/1.2.11 , type: release } - { ref: libcurl/7.80.0@thedarkmod/local , type: release } - { ref: libjpeg/9d@thedarkmod/local , type: release } - { ref: libpng/1.6.37 , type: release } - { ref: ffmpeg/4.4.1@thedarkmod/local , type: release } - { ref: vorbis/1.3.7 , type: release } - { ref: fltk/1.3.8@thedarkmod/local , type: release } - { ref: BLAKE2/20190724@thedarkmod/local , type: release } - { ref: glfw/3.3.6 , type: release } - { ref: openal/1.21.1@thedarkmod/local , type: vcdebug } - { ref: pugixml/1.12.1 , type: vcdebug } options: minizip: # disable support of bzip2 format bzip2: false BLAKE2: # enable SSE2 in hash library SSE: "SSE2" libcurl: with_ssl: "mbedtls"