/***************************************************************************** The Dark Mod GPL Source Code This file is part of the The Dark Mod Source Code, originally based on the Doom 3 GPL Source Code as published in 2011. The Dark Mod Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For details, see LICENSE.TXT. Project: The Dark Mod (http://www.thedarkmod.com/) ******************************************************************************/ #pragma tdm_include "tdm_utils.glsl" vec4 heatHazeVertexShader( vec4 attrPosition, vec4 attrTexCoord, mat4 modelViewMatrix, mat4 projectionMatrix, vec2 texcoordScroll, vec2 deformMultiplier, out vec2 texcoordOriginal, out vec2 texcoordScrolled, out vec2 deformationMagnitude ) { // texture 0 takes the texture coordinates unmodified texcoordOriginal = attrTexCoord.xy; // texture 1 takes the texture coordinates and adds a scroll texcoordScrolled = attrTexCoord.xy + texcoordScroll; // consider a point at the fragment being rendered // if we move it slightly in view XY plane, how much will NDC coordinates change? // (basically, compute derivative of NDC coord X by view X) float viewZ = dot(transpose(modelViewMatrix)[2], attrPosition); float clipW = projectionMatrix[2][3] * viewZ + projectionMatrix[3][3]; float derClipX = projectionMatrix[0][0]; float derNdcX = derClipX / max(clipW, 1e-10); // clamp the distance so the the deformations don't get too wacky near the view deformationMagnitude = deformMultiplier * min(derNdcX, 0.02); return objectPosToClip(attrPosition, modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix); } vec3 heatHazeFragmentShader( vec2 texcoordOriginal, vec2 texcoordScrolled, vec2 deformationMagnitude, vec4 glFragCoord, vec2 invRenderSize, in sampler2D currentRender, in sampler2D displacementTexture, bool saveForeground, in sampler2D currentDepth, bool useMask, in sampler2D maskTexture, float blurDistance ) { // load displacement vector from the texture // note: it is also called "normal texture" for some weird reason vec4 displacementRawTex = texture(displacementTexture, texcoordScrolled); // unpack / rescale to [-1 .. 1] // note: engine often/always uses RGTC compression on this texture // we can easily unpack XY coords regardless of RGTC, but Z coordinate is not available vec2 displacementTex = 2 * displacementRawTex.xy - vec2(1); // calculate the screen texcoord in the 0.0 to 1.0 range vec2 originalPos = glFragCoord.xy * invRenderSize; // total displacement for sampling frame vec2 displacement = displacementTex * deformationMagnitude; if (useMask) { // multiply by mask sampled by original texcoord displacement *= texture(maskTexture, texcoordOriginal).rg; } // get displaced color vec2 displacedPos = clamp(originalPos + displacement, 0.0, 1.0); vec3 displacedColor = texture(currentRender, displacedPos).rgb; vec3 chosenColor = displacedColor; if (saveForeground) { vec2 depthRenderSizeRatio = textureSize(currentDepth, 0) * invRenderSize; // get another sample from the opposite direction, to use if the sample came from the foreground vec2 oppositePos = clamp(originalPos - displacement, 0.0, 1.0); vec3 oppositeColor = texture(currentRender, oppositePos).rgb; // test whether the samples came from the foreground, rejecting them if so. // original sample > displaced sample > opposite sample vec3 originalColor = texture(currentRender, originalPos).rgb; chosenColor = originalColor; // test whether the opposite sample came from the background, use it if so vec2 oppositePosD = oppositePos * depthRenderSizeRatio; float oppositeDepth = texture(currentDepth, oppositePosD).z; if (oppositeDepth >= glFragCoord.z) chosenColor = oppositeColor; // test whether the displaced sample came from the background, use it if so vec2 displacedPosD = displacedPos * depthRenderSizeRatio; float displacedDepth = texture(currentDepth, displacedPosD).z; if (displacedDepth >= glFragCoord.z) chosenColor = displacedColor; } if (blurDistance > 0.0) { vec3 sum = vec3(0); vec2 pos; pos = displacedPos + vec2(blurDistance, 0) * invRenderSize; sum += texture(currentRender, pos).rgb; pos = displacedPos + vec2(0, blurDistance) * invRenderSize; sum += texture(currentRender, pos).rgb; pos = displacedPos + vec2(-blurDistance, 0) * invRenderSize; sum += texture(currentRender, pos).rgb; pos = displacedPos + vec2(0, -blurDistance) * invRenderSize; sum += texture(currentRender, pos).rgb; chosenColor = (chosenColor + sum) * 0.2; } return chosenColor; }