/***************************************************************************** The Dark Mod GPL Source Code This file is part of the The Dark Mod Source Code, originally based on the Doom 3 GPL Source Code as published in 2011. The Dark Mod Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For details, see LICENSE.TXT. Project: The Dark Mod (http://www.thedarkmod.com/) ******************************************************************************/ #pragma tdm_include "tdm_dither.glsl" #pragma tdm_include "tdm_querylod.glsl" // smoothened version of min(x, 1) for x >= 0 float smoothstep_01below(float x) { return max(2.0 * smoothstep(-1.5, 1.5, x) - 1.0, 1e-5); } vec3 computeParallaxOffset( sampler2D heightmap, vec2 heightScale, vec2 texcoords, vec3 viewDirLocal, float grazingAngle, ivec2 iterations ) { int linearSteps = iterations.x; int refineSteps = iterations.y; // gradually flatten heightmap at grazing angles float slope = viewDirLocal.z / length(viewDirLocal.xy); float fader = smoothstep_01below(slope / grazingAngle); heightScale *= fader; // x < y (even if input parameter is inverted) vec2 hgtRange = vec2(min(heightScale.x, heightScale.y), max(heightScale.x, heightScale.y)); // fix LOD level for the whole parallax computation // texture samples are much faster without all the filtering float lod = queryTextureLod(heightmap, texcoords); // trace linearly by height decreasing until first "inside" point float goodRayH = hgtRange.y, badRayH = hgtRange.x; for (int s = linearSteps - 1; s >= 1; s--) { float rayH = mix(hgtRange.x, hgtRange.y, float(s) / linearSteps); vec2 tc = texcoords + rayH * viewDirLocal.xy / viewDirLocal.z; float normH = mix(heightScale.x, heightScale.y, textureLod(heightmap, tc, lod).r); if (normH > rayH) { badRayH = rayH; break; } goodRayH = rayH; } // do binary search between "outside" and "inside" points for (int s = 0; s < refineSteps; s++) { float rayH = (goodRayH + badRayH) * 0.5; vec2 tc = texcoords + rayH * viewDirLocal.xy / viewDirLocal.z; float normH = mix(heightScale.x, heightScale.y, textureLod(heightmap, tc, lod).r); if (normH > rayH) badRayH = rayH; else goodRayH = rayH; } return vec3(viewDirLocal.xy / viewDirLocal.z * goodRayH, goodRayH / fader); } // this is pretty hacky approach, and it is not very smooth... // it would be better if "scale" between texcoords and model space was passed as vertex attribute vec3 scaleTexcoordOffsetToModelSpace(vec3 offset, vec2 texcoords, vec3 positionModel, mat3 matrixTBN) { mat2 tcDer = mat2(dFdx(texcoords), dFdy(texcoords)); mat2x3 modDer = mat2x3(dFdx(positionModel), dFdy(positionModel)); mat2x3 tcToMod = modDer * inverse(tcDer); float scaleX = dot(tcToMod[0], matrixTBN[0]); float scaleY = dot(tcToMod[1], matrixTBN[1]); return offset * vec3(scaleX, scaleY, (abs(scaleX) + abs(scaleY)) * 0.5); } float computeParallaxShadow( sampler2D heightmap, vec2 heightScale, vec2 texcoords, vec3 tcOffset, vec3 lightDirLocal, int shadowSteps, float shadowSoftness ) { // x < y (even if input parameter is inverted) vec2 hgtRange = vec2(min(heightScale.x, heightScale.y), max(heightScale.x, heightScale.y)); float randomizer = 0.5 + ditherFractionBayer8(); // fix LOD level for the whole parallax computation // texture samples are much faster without all the filtering float lod = queryTextureLod(heightmap, texcoords.xy); vec3 tcTotal = vec3(texcoords, 0.0) + tcOffset; // trace linearly to check for obstacles float step = (hgtRange.y - hgtRange.x) / shadowSteps; float maxDiff = -1.0; for (float deltaH = step * randomizer; tcTotal.z + deltaH < hgtRange.y; deltaH += step) { vec2 tc = tcTotal.xy + deltaH * (lightDirLocal.xy / lightDirLocal.z); float obstH = mix(heightScale.x, heightScale.y, textureLod(heightmap, tc, lod).r); float diff = obstH - (tcTotal.z + deltaH); maxDiff = max(maxDiff, diff); } return 1.0 - clamp(maxDiff / shadowSoftness, 0, 1); }