To read the most recent compilation guide, please visit: == Compiling on Windows == A project file for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 is provided in TheDarkMod.sln The solution file is compatible with VS2013 Community Edition. You will need the Microsoft DirectX SDK installed as well. If it does not reside in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)" you will need to update the property sheets accordingly. DirectX SDK Multibyte MFC Library for Visual Studio 2013 Windows SDK (for Windows 8.1 users) == Compiling on Linux / Ubuntu 14.04 == sudo apt-get install scons subversion libc6-dev-i386 g++-multilib libx11-dev:i386 libxxf86vm-dev:i386 libopenal-dev:i386 libasound2-dev:i386 libxext-dev:i386 === Compiling 64-bit boost static libraries (with -fPIC) === Get the Boost 1.57 sources from their website and extract it to somewhere. Run the bootstrap script to build the bjam binary: ./ Then compile the needed libraries: bjam release link=static threading=multi address-model=64 runtime-link=static cxxflags='-fPIC' stage /boost/chrono /boost/date_time /boost/filesystem /boost/program_options /boost/regex /boost/system /boost/thread I had to scrap the various .a files together from the bin.v2 folder, get the following libs and copy them to darkmod_src/linux/boost/lib64 libboost_program_options.a libboost_regex.a libboost_system.a libboost_thread.a libboost_chrono.a libboost_date_time.a libboost_filesystem.a === Compiling 64-bit PolarSSL with -fPIC === PolarSSL is needed by libcurl to download stuff from SSL-secured sites. Get the polarSSL 1.3.7 from their website. Get cmake: sudo apt-get install cmake Add the line to the CMakeLists.txt, after the compiler checks part: set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) Then build the library: cmake . make sudo make install This will place libpolarssl.a in your /usr/local/lib folder. Copy it to linux/polarssl/lib64/ === Compiling the static libcurl library === ==== Building the static 32-bit library libcurl ==== Download the libcurl 7.39 source package, and extract it on your system, then run the following commands: env CFLAGS="-m32" LDFLAGS="-m32" ./configure --disable-ldap --build=i686-unknown-linux-gnu --without-ssl --with-polarssl --without-libidn --without-zlib --prefix=/home/greebo/curl_install_x86 make jobs=8 sudo make install The library is then located in /home/greebo/curl_install_x86/lib/libcurl.a. Copy that to darkmod_src/linux/libcurl/ ==== Building the static 64-bit library libcurl ==== Download the libcurl 7.39 source package, and extract it on your system, then run the following commands: env CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m64" ./configure --disable-ldap --build=i686-unknown-linux-gnu --without-ssl --with-polarssl --without-libidn --without-zlib --prefix=/home/greebo/curl_install_x64 make jobs=8 make install The library is then located in /home/greebo/curl_install_x64/lib/libcurl.a. Copy that to darkmod_src/linux/libcurl/lib64/ == Compiling on OSX == The XCode projects are out of date at the moment and will need fixing. === Building libcurl in Mac OS X === Download the libcurl 7.21 source package, and extract it on your system. To produce a so-called "fat" binary you need to compile for both i386 and ppc targets. Build the i386 target by entering: env CFLAGS="-m32 -arch i386" LDFLAGS="-m32 -arch i386" ./configure --disable-ldap --build=i686-unknown-linux-gnu --without-libidn --without-zlib --without-ssl make sudo make install After make install the static library can be found in /usr/local/lib/libcurl.a, copy that file to your curl folder and rename it to ./libcurl.i386.a Build the powerpc target by entering: env CFLAGS="-m32 -arch ppc" LDFLAGS="-m32 -arch ppc" ./configure --disable-ldap --build=powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu --without-libidn --without-zlib --without-ssl make sudo make install After make install the static library can be found in /usr/local/lib/libcurl.a, copy that file to your curl folder and rename it to ./libcurl.ppc.a Finally call lipo to combine these two into a fat binary by entering this in your curl folder. lipo -arch i386 libcurl.i386.a -arch ppc libcurl.ppc.a -create -output libcurl.a The filesize of the newly created libcurl.a should be around the sum of the single ppc and i386 libs, you can double-check that. Copy the libcurl.a into your darkmod_src/macosx/libcurl/ and you're done with this step. === Building Boost static libs in Mac OS X === Download the boost 1.45 sources and extract them to your hard drive. Create a jam user config file to use the g++ 4.0 compiler instead of the default gcc 4.2 in Leopard: create a new file in your boost root folder and name it user-config-darwin.jam: using darwin : 8.11 : /usr/bin/g++-4.0 : "combined" "32" "10.4" "10.4" "static" "multi" ; Download a bjam binary for OS X to your machine, then build boost threads, filesystem and system: /path/to/bjam --user-config=../../../user-config-darwin.jam architecture=combined link=static threading=multi address-model=32 release [stage] The "stage" option only works in filesystem and system (not in thread, as of boost 1.45). You'll find the filesystem and system libs in the ./stage folder of your boost root, the libboost_thread.a will be located in the bin.v2 folder after compilation. Copy all libboost*.a files to darkmod_src/macosx/boost/lib/.