@echo off rem Launch this file in the boost/ folder. rem Check if we're in the correct folder if not exist libs goto :error if not exist boost goto :error if not exist bjam.exe goto :error b2 toolset=msvc variant=release,debug link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static stage /boost/chrono /boost/date_time /boost/filesystem /boost/program_options /boost/regex /boost/system /boost/thread cd stage start . goto :success :error echo Please launch this file in the boost folder you downloaded and extracted from sourceforge. echo Make sure you've run the bootstrap.bat file to create the bjam binary first. echo echo Example: echo cd c:\Downloads\boost_1_55_0\ echo c:\Games\Doom3\darkmod_src\win32\build_boost_libs.cmd goto :eof :success echo Successfully built the libraries, please copy them to the win32/lib/ folder now.