2005-03-29: *) Logging detects now the mod directory and loads automatically a default INI file. *) Soundpropagation code added. 2005-03-26: Lightgem code finalized. 2005-Jan-05 (0.008a): *) Lightgem updated. It includes now code to pickup projection images as well. *) Material parser has been improved to load also projection textures. *) Texture maintencance has been improved. Each texture is now loaded only once into memory even when multiple lights use them. Version 0.007a: Lightgem has been updated and should work now better. DevIL.dll has been included in the build. It needs to be installed in C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 (or wherever your windows directory is). Version 0.006a: ShowCrosshair(). Returns always false now and will not display the crosshair anymore.