# -*- mode: python -*- # DOOM build script # TTimo # http://scons.sourceforge.net # various GL-related code: # GL logging functions (used on all platforms) # GLimp code (Linux only) # The C code is generated using M4 macros from a description of the GL API # on win32, the logging functions are generated ones and kept in the source # on other platforms, scons generates on the fly at build time import time Import('GLOBALS') Import(GLOBALS) # NOTE: make sure the .api files are in LF line endings, CRLF isn't working so well def build_logfuncs(env, target, source): import os, sys # search for the module - source repository might make things harder gllog_path = 'sys/gllog' if ( not os.path.exists( gllog_path + '/logfunc.py' ) ): gllog_path = '/var/local/Doom/neo/sys/gllog' sys.path.append( gllog_path ) from logfunc import do_logfunc f_out = open('%s' % target[0], 'w') f_out.write('// generated file, do not modify!\n') f_out.write('// ' + time.asctime() + '\n') f_out.write('// see SConscript.gl and sys/gllog/\n\n') f_in = open( gllog_path + '/gl.api', 'r') do_logfunc(f_in, f_out) f_in.close() f_out.write('\n#ifdef __linux__\n\n') f_in = open( gllog_path + '/glX.api', 'r') do_logfunc(f_in, f_out) f_in.close() f_out.write('\n#endif\n\n') f_out.write('\n#ifdef WIN32\n\n') f_in = open( gllog_path + '/wgl.api', 'r') do_logfunc(f_in, f_out) f_in.close() f_out.write('\n#endif\n\n') f_out.close() print 'Generated %s' % target[0] gl_env = g_env.Clone() gl_env.Append( CPPPATH = '#' ) gl_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = '-DGLIMP' ) if ( local_dedicated == 1 ): gl_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = '-DID_DEDICATED' ) # general M4 builder setup # files we are going to generate from their M4 counterparts m4_list = ( '../gllog/gl_extensions.cpp', '../linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp', '../linux/glimp_logging.cpp', '../linux/glimp_stub.cpp', '../linux/glimp_local.h' ) for i_m4 in m4_list: gl_env.M4( i_m4, i_m4 + '.m4' ) gl_env.Depends( i_m4, '../gllog/gl_def.m4' ) # enable if you need to generate again # FIXME: conflicts when several environements are used. move that to seperate script #enforce = gl_env.M4( '#sys/linux/qgl_enforce.h', '../linux/qgl_enforce.h.m4' ) #gl_env.Depends( enforce, '../gllog/gl_def.m4' ) # logging functions, python generated ( that's beyond my m4-fu ) gl_env.Depends( '../linux/glimp_logging.cpp', '../linux/glimp_logfuncs.cpp' ) logfuncs = gl_env.Command( '../linux/glimp_logfuncs.cpp', '../gllog/logfunc.py', build_logfuncs ) gl_env.Depends( logfuncs, '../gllog/gl_def.m4' ) sources = [] sources.append( '../gllog/gl_extensions.cpp' ) if ( local_dedicated == 1 ): sources.append( '../linux/glimp_stub.cpp' ) else: sources.append( '../linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp' ) sources.append( '../linux/glimp_logging.cpp' ) #if ( DEDICATED != '0' ): # sources.append( '../linux/glimp_stub.cpp' ) # #if ( GL_HARDLINK == '0' ): # sources.append( '../linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp' ) # sources.append( '../linux/glimp_logging.cpp' ) lib = gl_env.StaticLibrary( 'glimp', sources ) #gl_env.Install( '../..', lib )