#!/usr/bin/env python # generate logging code # this requires an analysis of the parameters for verbose and do actual call import sys, string, re from read import read_gl def do_logfunc(f_in, f_out): (gl, wgl, glX) = read_gl(f_in) for l in (gl, glX): for t in l: # process ret type to strip trailing spaces t[0] = string.strip(t[0]) f_out.write('static %s APIENTRY log%s(%s) {\n' % ( t[0], t[2], t[3] )) # work on parameters base_params = string.split(t[3], ',') #f_out.write('// %s\n' % repr(base_params)) # init format string and parameter list params = [] format = t[1][1:] + t[2] # a general help list types = [] names = [] for i in base_params: regex = re.compile('([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$') name = regex.search(i).group(1) type = string.strip(i[0:len(i)-len(name)]) # catch type with no name if (len(type) == 0): type = name name = '' #f_out.write('// type: "%s" name: "%s"\n' % (type, name)) types.append(type) names.append(name) # verbose the types if (type == 'GLenum'): format += ' %s' params.append( 'EnumString(' + name + ')' ) elif (type == 'GLfloat' or type == 'GLclampf' or type == 'GLdouble'): format += ' %g' params.append( name ) elif (type == 'GLint' or type == 'GLuint' or type == 'GLsizei' or type == 'GLbyte' or type == 'GLshort' or type == 'GLubyte' or type == 'GLushort'): format += ' %d' params.append( name ) elif (type == 'GLboolean'): format += ' %s' params.append( name + ' ? "Y" : "N"' ) elif (type == 'void'): pass else: f_out.write('// unknown type: "%s" name: "%s"\n' % (type, name)) format += ' \'' + type + ' ' + name + '\'' f_out.write('\tfprintf( tr.logFile, "' + format + '\\n"') for par in params: f_out.write(', ' + par) f_out.write(' );\n') if (t[0] != 'void'): f_out.write('\treturn dll%s(' % t[2]) else: f_out.write('\tdll%s(' % t[2]) started = 0 for i in names: if (started): f_out.write(', ') else: started = 1 f_out.write(i) f_out.write(');\n') f_out.write('}\n\n') if __name__ == '__main__': do_logfunc(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)