/***************************************************************************** The Dark Mod GPL Source Code This file is part of the The Dark Mod Source Code, originally based on the Doom 3 GPL Source Code as published in 2011. The Dark Mod Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For details, see LICENSE.TXT. Project: The Dark Mod (http://www.thedarkmod.com/) ******************************************************************************/ #version 140 // !!ARBfp1.0 in vec4 var_color; in vec4 var_tc1; in vec4 var_tc2; out vec4 draw_Color; uniform sampler2D u_texture0; uniform sampler2D u_texture1; uniform sampler2D u_texture2; uniform vec4 u_scaleDepthCoords; uniform vec4 u_scalePotToWindow; uniform vec4 u_scaleWindowToUnit; void main() { // OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; // texture 0 is _currentRender // texture 1 is a normal map that we will use to deform texture 0 // texture 2 is _currentDepth // // env[0] is the 1.0 to _currentRender conversion // env[1] is the fragment.position to 0.0 - 1.0 conversion // // Hard-coded constants // depth_consts allows us to recover the original depth in Doom units of anything in the depth // buffer. TDM's projection matrix differs slightly from the classic projection matrix as it // implements a "nearly-infinite" zFar. The matrix is hard-coded in the engine, so we use hard-coded // constants here for efficiency. depth_consts is derived from the numbers in that matrix. // vec4 localNormal, R0; //TEMP localNormal, R0; vec4 subOne = vec4(-1, -1, -1, -1); //PARAM subOne = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; vec4 scaleTwo = vec4(2, 2, 2, 2); //PARAM scaleTwo = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }; // load the filtered normal map and convert to -1 to 1 range localNormal = texture(u_texture1, var_tc1.xy); //TEX localNormal, fragment.texcoord[1], texture[1], 2D; // localNormal.x = localNormal.a; //MOV localNormal.x, localNormal.a; localNormal = (localNormal) * (scaleTwo) + (subOne); //MAD localNormal, localNormal, scaleTwo, subOne; localNormal.z = sqrt(max(0, 1-localNormal.x*localNormal.x-localNormal.y*localNormal.y)); // calculate the screen texcoord in the 0.0 to 1.0 range R0 = (gl_FragCoord) * (u_scaleWindowToUnit); //MUL R0, fragment.position, program.env[1]; // offset by the scaled localNormal and clamp it to 0.0 - 1.0 R0 = clamp((localNormal) * (var_tc2) + (R0), 0.0, 1.0); //MAD_SAT R0, localNormal, fragment.texcoord[2], R0; // scale by the screen non-power-of-two-adjust R0 = (R0) * (u_scalePotToWindow); //MUL R0, R0, program.env[0]; // Get the displaced color vec4 displacedColor; //TEMP displacedColor; displacedColor = texture(u_texture0, R0.xy); //TEX displacedColor, R0, texture[0], 2D; // Fix foreground object distortion. Get another sample from the opposite direction, // to use if the sample came from the foreground. vec4 altCoord, altColor, origCoord, chosenColor; //TEMP altCoord, altColor, origCoord, chosenColor; origCoord = (u_scalePotToWindow) * (u_scaleWindowToUnit); //MUL origCoord, program.env[0], program.env[1]; origCoord = (origCoord) * (gl_FragCoord.xyxy); //MUL origCoord, origCoord, fragment.position.xyxy; altCoord.xy = (R0.xy) - (origCoord.xy); //SUB altCoord.xy, R0, origCoord; altCoord.zw = vec2(0.0); //stgatilov: avoid uninitialized warning altCoord = (origCoord) + (-altCoord); //ADD altCoord, origCoord, -altCoord; altColor = texture(u_texture0, altCoord.xy); //TEX altColor, altCoord, texture[0], 2D; // Test whether the samples came from the foreground, rejecting them if so. // Start with the original undistorted color. We'll use this if both samples came // from the foreground. chosenColor = texture(u_texture0, origCoord.xy); //TEX chosenColor, origCoord, texture[0], 2D; // Next 4 lines are needed for #4306 -- alpha depth // #4306 In each case record the depth of the sample in the alpha channel w vec4 depth; //TEMP depth; origCoord.xy = (origCoord.xy) * (u_scaleDepthCoords.zw); //MUL origCoord.xy, origCoord, program.env[4].zwzw; depth = texture(u_texture2, origCoord.xy); //TEX depth, origCoord, texture[2], 2D; chosenColor.w = depth.x; //MOV chosenColor.w, depth.x; // Test whether the alt color came from the background, and use it in preference if so altCoord.xy = (altCoord.xy) * (u_scaleDepthCoords.zw); //MUL altCoord.xy, altCoord, program.env[4].zwzw; depth = texture(u_texture2, altCoord.xy); //TEX depth, altCoord, texture[2], 2D; altColor.w = depth.x; //MOV altColor.w, depth.x; depth = (depth.xxxx) - (gl_FragCoord.zzzz); //SUB depth, depth.x, fragment.position.z; chosenColor = mix(chosenColor, altColor, step(vec4(0.0), depth)); //CMP chosenColor, depth, chosenColor, altColor; // Test whether the displaced color came from the background, and use it in preference if so R0.xy = (R0.xy) * (u_scaleDepthCoords.zw); //MUL R0.xy, R0, program.env[4].zwzw; depth = texture(u_texture2, R0.xy); //TEX depth, R0, texture[2], 2D; displacedColor.w = depth.x; //MOV displacedColor.w, depth.x; depth = (depth.xxxx) - (gl_FragCoord.zzzz); //SUB depth, depth.x, fragment.position.z; chosenColor = mix(chosenColor, displacedColor, step(vec4(0.0), depth)); //CMP chosenColor, depth, chosenColor, displacedColor; // #4306 Calculate the opacity of the material using the depth difference between the // transparent surface and the solid background vec4 depth_myconsts = vec4(2, -2, 0.0, 0.0); //PARAM depth_consts = { 2, -2, 0.0, 0.0 }; vec4 scene_depth, surface_depth, final_rgba; //TEMP scene_depth, surface_depth, final_rgba; // Calculate original depth in doom units from the nonlinear depth buffer values we captured earlier chosenColor.w = min(chosenColor.w, 0.9994); //MIN chosenColor.w, chosenColor.w, 0.9994; scene_depth = (chosenColor.wwww) * (depth_myconsts.xxxx) + (depth_myconsts.yyyy); //MAD scene_depth, chosenColor.w, depth_consts.x, depth_consts.y; scene_depth = vec4(1.0 / scene_depth.x); //RCP scene_depth, scene_depth.x; // Find the depth of the transparent surface in doom units too surface_depth = (gl_FragCoord.zzzz) * (depth_myconsts.xxxx) + (depth_myconsts.yyyy); //MAD surface_depth, fragment.position.z, depth_consts.x, depth_consts.y; surface_depth = vec4(1.0 / surface_depth.x); //RCP surface_depth, surface_depth.x; // Calculate the depth diff, divide by the opaque threshold and clamp // NB depths are negative. We use -tmp in the division to give a positive // value where the surface is visible in front of the solid background final_rgba = (scene_depth) + (-surface_depth); //ADD final_rgba, scene_depth, -surface_depth; final_rgba.a = clamp((-final_rgba.r) * (var_color.r), 0.0, 1.0); //MUL_SAT final_rgba.a, -final_rgba.r, fragment.color.r; final_rgba.rgb = chosenColor.xyz; //MOV final_rgba.rgb, chosenColor; draw_Color = final_rgba; //MOV result.color, final_rgba; }